Region Updates

Corn fields are showing signs of stress and leaf rolling during this high heat environment. Compacted soils during planting can further exacerbate the stress due to lack of root development. Flash drought conditions have also shown to impact smaller corn where root development is not as advanced. Dry soils in the top layers have slowed or stopped nodal roots to grow and be productive.
Hot and dry. Most of central Illinois has seen hot temperatures for mulitple days.
Rainfall was spotty earlier this week with some pop up showers. Rainfall is and will continue to be needed to keep crops thriving.
Soils are dry on top , but appear to still have OK moisture below the surface.
Spraying and wheat harvest are the main activities currently happening.
Harvest is happening around the area.
No damage was noted related to insects. Japanese beetles continue to increase in numbers.
Weeds are still a problem. High winds in previous weeks delayed applications. Now herbicide applications are happening but may be not as effective in the high heat environment. Plants will slow growth and thus minimize taking in herbicide chemistry during high heat situations.
None observed
Ponding from previous rains will continue to make for uneven fields.
The norther IL areas seemed to be much more uniform in field. Still variations across the region, but within the field they seemed much more uniform and in good shape. Much less ponding and compaction concerns from what I observed.