Region Updates

A good growing week in NE Illinois for most. Some precipitation and several rain free days with sunshine. The earliest planted corn is V7 to V8 and earlier planted soybean is V3 to V4. Now that most planters are parked, other activities are underway. They include sidedressing nitrogen, post herbicide applications on corn, and harvesting the first cutting of hay. Several days after corn post herbicide applications have taken place, scout fields to evaluate the performance of your post herbicide application. Be wary of hard to control weeds such as Marestail, with populations resistant to glyphosate in Illinois and a challenge to other chemistries once they bolt and reach a height of 6 – 8 inches. To learn about the newest in weed management plan on attending the University of Illinois 2024 Weed Science Field Research Tour on June 26th. The tour takes place at the Department of Crop Sciences field research location known as the Clem Farm, located at 1114 County Road 1200 East, Champaign. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and the tour will start at 9:00 a.m.