Region Updates

Northeastern Illinois is turning dry. Post herbicide applications are taking place in corn fields. Despite dry conditions weed growth and diversity of species has been impressive in some fields, including robust vining weeds including Burcucumber and Morningglory. Early planted corn is at V6 and Soy at V2. I received reports of heavy Alfalfa weevil feeding and below average tonnage from the first cutting of hay in the region. A reminder, mechanical harvest is an effective cultural control of this pest. The Alfalfa weevil has one generation per year and overwinters as an adult. Mowing and harvesting the field removes the insect’s food and shelter. In addition, harvesting the crop can expose the larvae to sunlight which can be lethal. While the Alfalfa weevil window of damage is nearly over, farmers are encouraged to continue to scout for other forage pests that can cause damage in future cuttings including Potato leafhopper.