Region Updates
Soybeans have potential. Lots of pods, mostly 3 beans each.
Corn is very variable. You name it- it’s out there. Great ears. Short ears. Normal ears. Unpollinated ears. No ears. Tipped back ears. Next week and the high temperatures are a concern. The corn has been repeatedly stressed. Will it actually reach maturity or just up and die? Probably some of both.
Excessive heat on the way
2.85 inches in August. Cooler nights.
I’m more concerned with the heat than disease at the moment. I believe the saying is – don’t worry about fixing your toilet when your house is on fire.
Spray helicopters have been spotted.
Still alive. Stalk quality is a concern. No weather whammies.
Minor feeding
Holy waterhemp! Giant ragweed and morning glory escapes also.
The conducive environment of the week will abruptly end- hopefully slowing some pathogens. Continue to scout after the heat.