Region Updates
Fields are more uniform and seemed to be less variable across a field. There is still variation from field to field in growth stages, but the fields in general appear to be in good shape. Less impact from heavy rainfall and no apparent sins from planting into wet soils (compaction)
Windy weather again has delayed some spraying operations that are needed.
Plentiful rainfall. Rain will likely be welcomed in the near future to keep the crop progressing.
Soils are dry on top and are fit to travel across. Most areas that were ponded have been replanted with crops emerged.
The wind has kept any spraying activities from happening. Sidedressing was seen, but is likely soon to be complete.
Nearing harvest. Starting to turn
No damage was noted related to insects
Weeds may be getting a few extra days of growth due the the high winds over the last couple of days. In the field I was in specifically, a spray was planned, but they needed to wait for the wind to subside.
None observed
Ponding issues from water standing. Replant has happened and crop is emerged from what I observed
The norther IL areas seemed to be much more uniform in field. Still variations across the region, but within the field they seemed much more uniform and in good shape. Much less ponding and compaction concerns from what I observed.