Meagan Diss
IL Extension

Meagan Diss
IL Extension
Harvest is underway throughout the county for some producers while other fields are still shy of maturity. This week brought cooler temperatures but we are still experiencing dry soils. We did see some scattered light showers in the morning on 9/24 but not enough to slow harvest. Be sure to check fire extinguishers and combines for buildup as we go into harvest, especially given the drier conditions. Have a safe and great harvest season!
Well, corn sweat is the buzzword of the week and it’s been hot and humid. We’re seeing some tar spot and other disease pressure popping up in fields. There’s a mix of weed pressure across the county with mild insect presence. Corn is R3-R5 depending on planting date and soybeans are R3/R4 again pending planting date. Overall, crops are looking good.
Driving around Warren County, a large percentage of corn is tasseling. Soybean fields are averaging R2/R3. We’ve had about average rainfall for the area I’m in and just keeping an eye out for diseases as the weather has remained humid with cooler overnights. Quite a number of crop dusters have been out and about around the county.
Minimal planting is still happening in some areas along with some out spraying. The warmer weather has helped to dry things up but a rain on 6/5 may leave some ponding depending on individual field characteristics. Both corn and soybean growth stages are varied across the county but seeing an increase in weed pressure overall.
Planting is back in action across the county with some replants due to soil crusting. Some fields did see some extent of wind damage from a storm 5/24 but are bouncing back. Most fields are looking around V2-V6 for corn and VC-V2 for soybeans depending planting date.
It’s been a wet spring thus far in West Central Illinois. Fields were starting to dry out over the weekend but scattered storms throughout the week have slowed progress once again. Earlier planted fields are looking better while some later plantings may show some emergence issues.
Some farms have been able to take advantage of dry pockets to get out in the field. Fields are still pretty wet this week from multiple rain events but warmer temperatures will be helpful in drying out.