Soil Health

Navigating Soil Health Tests

This webinar, presented by Dr. Andrew Margenot and Heidi Allen Asensio, offers an overview of soil health testing. They cover common test types, interpretation of results, and how these tests can inform management decisions.

By |August 23, 2024|

Soil Saturation Sorrow

Southern Illinois has experienced significant rainfall recently. How does this excess moisture affect the soil? Kelly Robertson from Precision Crop Services LLC and IL Soy Envoy provides some observations.

By |June 7, 2024|

What on Earth(worm) Are Those Brown Things?

Stephanie Porter shares more about identifying earthworm egg cocoons, emphasizing their role in soil health. She explains how lack of earthworms in a field doesn't always signify poor soil quality, and factors like soil type, pH, and moisture levels impact earthworm populations in agricultural fields.

By |April 23, 2024|
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