Soil Health

Cover Crop Management Panel

This panel discussion explores common challenges in cover crop management, covering topics such as nutrient management, termination, pre-corn considerations, and application methods.

By |February 20, 2025|

Tile Nitrates: The Solution isn’t New

Using cover crops as a nitrogen catch crop is not a new idea. Lowell Gentry, research agronomist and retired University of Illinois principal research specialist, shares insights from 1884 that hold true today.

By |November 20, 2024|

The Effect of Previous Crop on Tile Nitrate Loss

What impact does the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of plant residues have on plant-available nitrogen and tile nitrate losses? Lowell Gentry explains the connection to soil nitrogen mineralization in the second video of our five-part series on reducing nitrate loss in Illinois agriculture.

By |November 19, 2024|
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