
Register Today for 2024 Better Beans Series!

Prepare for a successful 2024 growing season with the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) by attending a half-day Better Beans event in your area. The ISA Agronomy Team alongside university researchers and agronomy experts will deliver regional insights on a range of topics, from conquering weed challenges and managing diseases to optimizing soil health.

By |November 30, 2023|

Soybean-Specifics of Soil Health: What Do We Know?

When it comes to soybeans, are there specific considerations on soil health? In this webinar, Dr. Andrew Margenot will review reasons for anticipating soybean-specific considerations on soil health processes and management, and methods for testing soil health.

By |November 15, 2023|

New Grazing Cover Crops Checklist Now Available!

Jennifer Jones, Illinois Soybean Association Research Agronomist, discusses the importance of integrating livestock into cropping systems to enhance soil health. Jones highlights the benefits livestock bring such as nutrient distribution and increased soil organic matter.

By |September 12, 2023|
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