
Registration Open for 2024 Field Days

ILSoyAdvisor is committed to addressing the diverse soybean production challenges across Illinois. Join us for our summer field events, Field Talks and Tailgate Talks, where agronomic experts will provide region-specific advice and the latest agronomic information.

By |May 3, 2024|

Rainfall…And Replant?

In this episode, the Soy Envoys provide an overview of recent rainfall across various regions of Illinois with reports ranging from ½ inch to 5 inches. They discuss emerging concerns such as replant considerations for soybeans, disease in wheat fields, and seedling diseases. Looking ahead, they advise on re-planting decisions and caution against making major switches in crop too soon.

By |May 2, 2024|

What on Earth(worm) Are Those Brown Things?

Stephanie Porter shares more about identifying earthworm egg cocoons, emphasizing their role in soil health. She explains how lack of earthworms in a field doesn't always signify poor soil quality, and factors like soil type, pH, and moisture levels impact earthworm populations in agricultural fields.

By |April 23, 2024|

Early Soybean Planting Success

Kelly Robertson, Owner of Precision Crop Services and ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy, discusses field conditions for planting soybeans early and the factors that can potentially reduce yields. He examines various scenarios and shares insights from planting into different soil conditions.

By |April 2, 2024|

Soybean Success, No Longer a Secret

Dr. Connor Sible discusses the latest findings from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Crop Physiology Lab related to soybean planting dates, cover and double crop management, and optimizing fertilizer use efficiency to bring yield and ROI to soybean production.

By |March 25, 2024|

Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership Seeking Applicants for Soil Health Leadership Program

Farmers, advisors and conservation professionals looking to sharpen their skills and further Illinois’ stewardship practices are encouraged to apply for the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership’s (ISAP) Soil Health Leadership program. The sessions will cover various topics, including soil structure and function, nutrient management, soil biology, cover crop selection and techniques, equipment setup, field demonstrations, and communication strategies.

By |March 24, 2024|
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