NREC Investment Insights LIVE Recap
Since 2012, Illinois farmers and retailers have invested over $30 million into nutrient efficiency research and this annual event is an opportunity for the researchers to share their findings and pass along the best management practices that have been identified or refined through the process.
Basic Cation Saturation Ratios (BCSR), Soil Balancing, Desired Values and Ratios
The scientific community mostly disregards the BCSR philosophy/theory; however, some farmers, crop consultants, sustainable ag proponents and commercial soil-testing laboratories still use BCSR to guide their fertilizer recommendations.
Voles: The Ultimate Arch Nemesis of Soybeans in the Pursuit of Better Soil Health
One of the most frequent questions asked thus far after cover crop presentations or events is “How do you control voles in cover crops?” To control these pests, we first need to understand their biology to know how to combat them.
What is Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)?
Using CEC to make fertility management decisions is a philosophy. There are many different philosophies that incorporate CEC into their recommendations. Many of these philosophies have some good science in them, some just enough to make them seem legit and some could be dangerous.
NRCS: Your Soil Health Journey
A growing number of farmers and ranchers from across the country are using cover crops and soil health management systems to improve the health and productivity of their soil.
Get to Know Greg Goodwin, PCM Director
Get to Know Greg Goodwin the new PCM Director.
WEBINAR: Carbon Markets and the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund
1 CEU in Soil and Water Management
Protecting the Watershed: Is Collaboration the Key to a Sustainable Future?
Investments in sustainable initiatives are becoming mainstream since long term resilience is a priority for the marketplace. Leaders not only have to focus on [...]
The State of Carbon: Which Way is Up?
This blog post previews the content of Jonah Kolb’s presentation during the Carbon Track at ISA’s 2022 Soybean Summit on [...]
WEBINAR: Soil Health Tests – What, Why and How?
1 CEU in Soil and Water Management