
Agronomy Field Notes

Illinois Soybean Association Director of Agronomy, Abigail Peterson, shares photos and information from the field. Read more about field conditions, planting, and cover crop checks across the state of Illinois!

By |April 28, 2023|

Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.

Brad Zimmerman shares stories from his life that have been learning experiences for him and what he thought he knew, but turned out to be false or less correct.

By |March 28, 2023|

Sufficient Level of Available Nutrients (SLAN) versus Build Maintain Fertility Programs

It can be argued that SLAN and Build/Maintain can be similar in some ways, both making an application of fertilizer to keep soil test levels where they are and feed the crop to be grown. However, SLAN is geared more towards achieving a fertility level where maximum yield can be obtained in that year where Build/Maintain is trying to keep the soil test levels from dropping.

By |March 16, 2023|
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