The Hidden World Beneath Your Feet
At first glance, soil looks rather uninteresting. It might be brown, red, gray, white, or other colors depending on organic matter content and mineral [...]
WEBINAR: Understanding Biologicals For Improved Soybean Management
1 CEU in Crop Management
Tissue Sampling Considerations for Higher Yields
In many parts of the state, soybean fields are planted and ready to start growing. I can sense the genetic potential of the 2021 [...]
Do Nutrients Have Parkas?
Many have heard that pH affects nutrient availability in their soil or uptake by the plant. We try to have pH around 6.0 to [...]
Planning For Hungry Soybean Plants
Planting season has begun and with it comes the anticipation of in-season crop management decisions. Optimizing fertility management is one of the cornerstones of [...]
PCM Impacts: Summarizing Practice Adoption, Nutrient and Sediment Loss Reductions
The months of January through March are particularly busy for those of us working with the Precision Conservation Management program (PCM). That’s when we [...]
Do Soybeans Need Sulfur?
In the past five years, it seems like conversations regarding sulfur have increased. And as a result, many farmers are starting to incorporate a [...]
WEBINAR: The SOY FACTORY – Managing the System for Maximum Output
1 CEU in Crop Management
Considerations for Nitrogen Application in Winter Wheat
Nitrogen Application Considerations Like corn, wheat is a grass, so nitrogen is one of the key nutrients that a wheat plant needs to grow. [...]
How To Evaluate Your Treatment Plan
In modern soybean production there are a lot of products and a lot of research being done to help improve growers’ yields and profitability. [...]