Nutrient Management

Wet Spring Weather and Nitrogen Loss Revisited

With May's rainfall continuing following a wetter-than-usual April, concerns regarding nitrogen (N) losses are on the rise. In this farmdoc article, Giovani Preza Fontes and Emerson Nafziger talk about the concern of how much N will be available for the 2024 corn crop and determining the optimal timing for additional N application.

By |May 14, 2024|

Cover Crop Update from Across the State

Dan Schaefer from the Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association, and Jim Isermann from the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership, join Abigail Peterson from the Illinois Soybean Association to provide an update on cover crop initiatives across Illinois in a panel discussion.

By |March 21, 2024|

Wrestling with the Interpretation of Soil Test Results and Fertilizer Recommendations for Phosphorus and Potassium

As the 2024 growing season approaches, concerns about high input costs, decreasing commodity prices, and supply chain issues are escalating. Ensuring accurate calculations for crop budgets becomes crucial, especially with expenses like land rental and chemical costs already accounted for, leaving fertilizer as a potential area for cost-cutting despite its importance.

By |March 15, 2024|

Sulfur Foundations in High Yield Soybeans

Dr. Shaun Casteel discusses intentional soybean management, beginning with establishing a solid foundation and then expanding into different production practices. He also covers considerations for sulfur management in connection to high yield soybean planting, field conditions, and other synergies.

By |February 12, 2024|

Illinois NREC Needs Your Input!

Annually, the Illinois Nutrient Research and Education Council (NREC) invites stakeholders to provide input on existing and upcoming research priorities. Don't miss the chance to participate in the survey and attend the 2024 Investment Insights Live event on February 15th in Champaign.

By |January 29, 2024|

Enhancing Soybean Yields: The Impact of Strategic Nutrient Management

This on-farm research project, funded by the Illinois Soybean Association checkoff program, explores the impact of strategic nutrient management on soybean yield across northern and central Illinois, examining various strategies under different conditions such as no-till, strip-till, row spacing, and cover cropping to inform best practices for soybean nutrient management.

By |January 15, 2024|
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