Weed Management in Double Crop Soybeans
Double the crop, half the weed control – that’s part of the allure of following wheat harvest with a second planting of soybeans. However, this approach involves different weed spectrums, residual herbicide timing decisions, and spray cut-off dates to consider.
Understanding Surfactants: A Key Partner for Effective Weed Control
Herbicides require specific surfactants to achieve optimal performance. Why does this matter? In this blog, IL Soy Envoy Karen Corrigan explains how the right surfactant can enhance an herbicide's effectiveness in controlling targeted weeds. Using the correct surfactant can prevent many herbicide failures.
IL Crop Conditions Getting Worse?
On the latest episode of the ILSoyAdvisor podcast, the Soy Envoys discuss Illinois crop conditions, emergence issues, "floppy corn," ongoing weed scouting, and pest concerns such as slugs, Japanese beetles, and stinkbugs.
Crop/Livestock Integration In Practice: Farms Share Their Experiences
During this field day in Iroquois County, the integration of crops and livestock will be showcased, highlighting the grazing of crop residues, cover crops, and annual forages. Host farmers will demonstrate how livestock integration operates on their farms and discuss its benefits for both soil health and the balance sheet.
Understanding the Crop Injury Risks of PRE Herbicides in Early-Planted Soybeans
As farmers continue to plant soybeans earlier, there are concerns about preemergence (PRE) herbicide injury to emerging seedlings. Supported by the Illinois Soybean Association, the University of Illinois Crop Sciences department is evaluating different PRE herbicides on early-planted soybeans to give farmers access to crop injury ratings for better weed management decisions.
Does Late Planting Mean Delayed Yields?
The 2024 planting season has been marked by significant variability, especially in planting dates. This raises the question: should soybean fields planted in mid-May be managed like those planted in April? According to IL Soy Envoy Drew Beckman, the answer is yes, and he provides reasoning in his latest blog.
Monitoring Root Development and Planning for Fungicide
Crop conditions across the state remain highly variable, and the IL Soy Envoys share their regional updates. This episode also covers wheat harvest, root establishment issues, slug damage, crops in the "ugly duckling" phase, herbicide misapplications, and notes for fungicide season.
Register for Good Idea Shop Talks
Want to connect with other producers using conservation practices? Join the Good Idea Shop Talks, a free virtual meet-up series where you can share ideas and learn information on enhancing soil and water resources, as well as overcoming on-farm challenges.
Post Dicamba June 12th Cutoff & 85 Degree Temperature Reminder
The application cutoff date for dicamba use over-the-top of soybeans is June 12th, and the projected forecast for much of the state shows elevated temperatures for the week. IFCA understands the pressure ag retailer members face to control weeds with available crop protection products, but violations of the cut-off date, temperature restriction, or recordkeeping requirements will be considered willful violations of the Illinois Pesticide Act, so it is crucial to discuss label requirements with customers to ensure compliance.
Crop Scouting During the Awkward Junior High Stage
In a "normal" year, Stephanie Porter's focus would be on scouting V7 corn and R1 soybeans. However, with corn planted at varying intervals this year, it's essential to approach each field with a different mindset. Read on to see her photos and observations from the field.