
Research Update: Injury Potential to Very Early Planted Soybean from Various Soil-Residual Herbicides and Active Ingredients

Logan Miller, a Research Specialist at the University of Illinois, is collaborating with Dr. Aaron Hager on Illinois Soybean Association-funded research to evaluate the injury potential to early planted soybeans from various soil-residual herbicides. He provides an update on the study, detailing the 2024 planting dates, pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide applications, along with photos to show the progress.

By |July 24, 2024|

Should You Apply a Fungicide?

Halfway through the growing season, many farmers are debating fungicide application despite low commodity prices. What do our IL Soy Envoys and Certified Crop Advisers think? Tune in for their latest crop updates, Hurricane Beryl rainfall reports, Illinois record crop predictions, and more!

By |July 11, 2024|

Weed Management in Double Crop Soybeans

Double the crop, half the weed control – that’s part of the allure of following wheat harvest with a second planting of soybeans. However, this approach involves different weed spectrums, residual herbicide timing decisions, and spray cut-off dates to consider.

By |June 19, 2024|

Understanding the Crop Injury Risks of PRE Herbicides in Early-Planted Soybeans

As farmers continue to plant soybeans earlier, there are concerns about preemergence (PRE) herbicide injury to emerging seedlings. Supported by the Illinois Soybean Association, the University of Illinois Crop Sciences department is evaluating different PRE herbicides on early-planted soybeans to give farmers access to crop injury ratings for better weed management decisions.

By |June 17, 2024|

Post Dicamba June 12th Cutoff & 85 Degree Temperature Reminder

The application cutoff date for dicamba use over-the-top of soybeans is June 12th, and the projected forecast for much of the state shows elevated temperatures for the week. IFCA understands the pressure ag retailer members face to control weeds with available crop protection products, but violations of the cut-off date, temperature restriction, or recordkeeping requirements will be considered willful violations of the Illinois Pesticide Act, so it is crucial to discuss label requirements with customers to ensure compliance.

By |June 11, 2024|

Crop Scouting During the Awkward Junior High Stage

In a "normal" year, Stephanie Porter's focus would be on scouting V7 corn and R1 soybeans. However, with corn planted at varying intervals this year, it's essential to approach each field with a different mindset. Read on to see her photos and observations from the field.

By |June 10, 2024|
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