
Year in Review: Unpacking Agronomy Highlights of 2023

Join Kelsey Litchfield and Stephanie Porter on the latest episode of the ILSoyAdvisor podcast as they dive into the challenges and highlights of the 2023 growing season. They will discuss the soybean production issues faced by growers, from herbicide residuals to red crown rot, heightened insect pressure, extreme weather conditions, and more.

By |December 14, 2023|

Chronicles of Red Crown Rot: Part 1

Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Outreach Agronomist, Stephanie Porter, CCA, recounts a visit to a soybean farm in Pike County plagued by red crown rot for the past five years. She shares historical information on the disease and how the ISA Agronomy team is actively engaging with plant pathologists, consultants, and researchers to explore current research and management strategies for red crown rot.

By |November 9, 2023|

Sudden Death Syndrome Still Exists

The desire for straightforward answers is common; however, this year, in particular, we've seen how various factors in the field can interconnect and contribute to diseases. ISA Outreach Agronomist & CCA, Stephanie Porter, encourages growers to follow this 10-step process to thoroughly assess situations in your soybean fields.

By |October 16, 2023|

What About Stem Canker on Soybean?

Illinois Soybean Association Outreach Agronomist and Certified Crop Adviser, Stephanie Porter, reports on a fairly common, yet hardly discussed disease - Stem Canker on Soybean. Porter writes about its causes, symptoms, and impacts on soybeans, emphasizing early diagnosis, plant resistance, and ongoing research for effective management.

By |August 10, 2023|

Don’t Let White Mold Take Hold.

White mold is damaging to soybean yields, specifically in the northern region of Illinois. ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy Crystal Williams shares critical tips on early identification and proactive measures against this disease.

By |July 27, 2023|
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