Farm Management

Must-See Crop Moments from the 2024 Growing Season

They say a picture is worth a thousand words—so let’s dive in! The IL Soy Envoys share their most intriguing photos from the 2024 growing season, discussing what’s happening in each shot and the lessons learned. Plus, they bring you the latest weekly crop report straight from the field.

By |August 22, 2024|

Registration Open for 2024 Field Days

ILSoyAdvisor is committed to addressing the diverse soybean production challenges across Illinois. Join us for our summer field events, Field Talks and Tailgate Talks, where agronomic experts will provide region-specific advice and the latest agronomic information.

By |May 3, 2024|

Bulletins Live! Two – Are You in Compliance?

ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy, Karen Corrigan, introduces Bulletins Live! Two, a web-based application with access to Endangered Species Protection Bulletins, an extension of pesticide labels. She urges applicators to generate reports outlining any usage limitations or restrictions in their area prior to spraying.

By |April 16, 2024|

International Benchmarks for Soybean Production

This farmdoc article analyzes yield, gross revenue, and costs across soybean farms in Argentina, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, and the United States, finding notably higher figures for U.S. farms. Overall, the period from 2018 to 2022 was profitable for soybean production across most farms, except for the typical farm in Canada, exhibiting a positive economic profit.

By |March 18, 2024|
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