Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.
Brad Zimmerman shares stories from his life that have been learning experiences for him and what he thought he knew, but turned out to be false or less correct.
Grow More With IL Sustainable Ag Partnership
The Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership (ISAP) is excited to invite you to an interactive, 2-part training on sustainable agriculture and conservation outreach strategies that will help you better understand how decision-making and behavior-change science influence conservation practice adoption.
Conservation and Carbon Funding for Farmers
This session will discuss the political, economic, and business factors driving the current conservation and carbon market movement.
Do Cover Crops Impact Soybean Cyst Nematode?
While there has been significant interest in increasing the use of cover crops, there is evidence that specific species can impact SCN prior to and leading into the soybean production year.
“Match Made In Heaven” Survey Asks Farmers About Livestock + Crops
A regional project “Match Made In Heaven: Livestock + Crops'' is surveying farmers in six states to learn about a growing movement to reintegrate crop and livestock systems in the cornbelt.
Sufficient Level of Available Nutrients (SLAN) versus Build Maintain Fertility Programs
It can be argued that SLAN and Build/Maintain can be similar in some ways, both making an application of fertilizer to keep soil test levels where they are and feed the crop to be grown. However, SLAN is geared more towards achieving a fertility level where maximum yield can be obtained in that year where Build/Maintain is trying to keep the soil test levels from dropping.
Comprehensive Evaluation of Phosphorus Best Management Practices
Updating recommendations on the 4Rs of phosphorus fertilization for soybean production
2023 Soybean Summit Recap
Did you miss this year’s Soybean Summit? Check out the video event recap!
Announcing the 2nd Annual FFA Water Testing Challenge
Are you an Illinois FFA student, teacher, or leader? The Illinois Corn Growers Association and Illinois Soybean Association have teamed up again to offer the 2nd Annual FFA Water Testing Challenge!
USDA Cover Crop Use and Decision Chart
This chart was modeled after the periodic table, and it was designed to help producers make cover crop use decisions on their farm or forage production system.