Conservation Practices

What is the Ideal Fall Planting Date for Cover Crops?

It's August, and farmers are preparing for harvest, which for some includes planting cover crops. What is the ideal fall planting date and seeding rate for planting cereal rye or clover cover crops in Illinois? Nathan Johanning, Extension Educator with the University of Illinois, has been conducting field trials across the state to answer these questions.

By |August 7, 2024|

Illinois Leopold Conservation Award Finalists Selected

Three finalists for the 2024 Illinois Leopold Conservation Award have been announced. This prestigious award celebrates farmers and forestland owners dedicated to exceptional soil health, water quality, and wildlife habitat management. The winner, to be announced at this summer’s Illinois State Fair, will receive $10,000 and have their conservation story showcased in a video and other outreach.

By |July 16, 2024|
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