
What is the Ideal Fall Planting Date for Cover Crops?

It's August, and farmers are preparing for harvest, which for some includes planting cover crops. What is the ideal fall planting date and seeding rate for planting cereal rye or clover cover crops in Illinois? Nathan Johanning, Extension Educator with the University of Illinois, has been conducting field trials across the state to answer these questions.

By |August 7, 2024|

Understanding the Crop Injury Risks of PRE Herbicides in Early-Planted Soybeans

As farmers continue to plant soybeans earlier, there are concerns about preemergence (PRE) herbicide injury to emerging seedlings. Supported by the Illinois Soybean Association, the University of Illinois Crop Sciences department is evaluating different PRE herbicides on early-planted soybeans to give farmers access to crop injury ratings for better weed management decisions.

By |June 17, 2024|

Which Insect Pests and Diseases Cause the Most Damage to Soybean Stems in Illinois?

Researchers collected over 200 diseased stems from 59 counties in Illinois between 2022 and 2023 to address gaps in understanding soybean stem pests and diseases. Based on this data, Dr. Nick Seiter highlights the significance of dectes stem borer in no-till fields in south-central Illinois, while Dr. Jason Bond discusses prevalent diseases such as fusarium, stem-canker, and charcoal rot across various counties, offering management strategies to combat these issues.

By |June 10, 2024|

How Can the Profitability of Double Crop Wheat and Soybeans Be Improved?

Double crop soybeans after winter wheat can enhance profitability and soil health in the Midwest, but success depends on identifying early-maturing winter wheat varieties to optimize soybean planting conditions. This Illinois Soybean Association-funded project aims to identify high-yielding winter wheat varieties that can be harvested earlier and allow earlier planting of double-crop soybeans to maximize soybean yield potential.  

By |June 3, 2024|
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