How Do We Close the Soybean Yield Gap?
This Illinois Soybean Association checkoff-funded project, led by Dr. Jay Nair of Southern Illinois University, uncovers how field-specific management practices may hold the key to closing the gap between average and record-setting soybean yields.
Can Fungicide Applications via Drones Effectively Control Soybean Foliar Diseases?
The Soybean Research and Information Network (SRIN) features Purdue University research on the effectiveness of using drones to apply fungicides for controlling soybean foliar diseases.
How Herbicide Resistant Weeds Spread
Getting Rid of Weeds (GROW) explains how herbicide resistant weeds spread and how to prevent the introduction of these weeds in your fields.
Free Soybean Cyst Nematode Sampling Available for Illinois Growers
In partnership with the University of Illinois, ISA aims to establish a baseline SCN population in soybean fields statewide. Even if you've tested for SCN before, populations could be increasing.
EarthSense AI Robot Demonstration
Dennis Bowman demonstrates the EarthSense AI Robot, an autonomous device that interseeds cover crops in row-crop fields.
Delivering Data Driven Best Management Practices
Dr. Rachel Vann shares data-driven information on biological seed treatments, seed quality, and soybean desiccation, while highlighting the Science for Success platform.
Navigating Soil Health Tests
This webinar, presented by Dr. Andrew Margenot and Heidi Allen Asensio, offers an overview of soil health testing. They cover common test types, interpretation of results, and how these tests can inform management decisions.
High Soybean Foliar Disease Alert in Southern Illinois
Dr. Jason Bond and Dr. Ahmad Fakhoury share recent observations of frogeye leaf spot and sudden death syndrome in soybeans at SIU research sites.
Is the Peking Trait the Answer for Soybean Cyst Nematode?
Planning next year's seed selection? Consider choosing soybeans with Peking resistance to manage Soybean Cyst Nematode. Stephanie Porter, CCA, shares research results from Southern Illinois University's SCN and root knot nematode research site.
Illinois Soybean Stem Pests Update
Dr. Ahmad Fakhoury and Dr. Nick Seiter provide updates on the Soybean Stem Pests project, highlighting the identification of fungal pathogens from diseased plant material and the statewide survey of dectes stem borer and soybean gall midge.