NASS Series: The Basics of NASS Reports
Hello everyone. My name is Mark Schleusener and I am the Illinois State Statistician for USDA- NASS. I hope that each of you have [...]
Establishing 2021 Agronomy Trials
In modern production agriculture, research and trials have expanded beyond small strip trials and universities. Many producers are developing their own sophisticated, on-farm research.
NCSRP Releases 2020 Annual Report and Project Summaries
The North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) recently released its Annual Report which includes 2020 research project summaries. Projects this year covered topics such [...]
Benchmarking Soybeans in Illinois
U.S. soybean yields have been trending upwards and Illinois soybean yields are running 6.5 bu/A above the trendline, according to the University of Illinois [...]
On Farm Soybean Research: Planting Dates Study
The University of Wisconsin is leading a regional planting date study. The goal is to compare the yield and profit for earlier planting dates. [...]
Calculator Helps Prioritize Road and Bridge Projects
When municipalities are tasked with determining which road and bridge improvement projects should take precedence, it can be a challenge to prioritize. That was [...]
“Lock”ed Out: Waterway System Updates Crucial to Profitability
Expiration dates are included on products such as food and drink, batteries and medicine to indicate they may not be safe or reliable to [...]
Dropping Soybean Population
Over the past few years, the Illinois Soybean Association has been working with the Iowa On-Farm Network (OFN) to evaluate promising production practices. The [...]
Illinois Study Explores Cover Crops to manage Soybean Cyst Nematode
New research funded by the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) checkoff program is looking at cover crops, including winter wheat, as potential aids in the [...]
Investment Insight: Recent Research Results
Conducting nutrient research on-farm allows researchers to evaluate performance of various practices designed to reduce nutrient loss (i.e. winter cover cropping) under real farming [...]