Dectes Stem Borer and Lodged Soybeans
Originally published in The Bulletin. Many soybean growers have had problems with lodging at harvest this year. The primary culprit for this (as for [...]
WEBINAR: Explaining the 100-Bushel Yield Gap
A few growers have broken 100-bushel soybean yields and the world record is 171 bushels. Yet for many growers, field yields remain in the [...]
Conservation Practices—A look at the Past and Present
Many of the farming practices that were used 50 plus years ago are now considered conservation practices. Longer crop rotations that included 4 – [...]
Is Your Fuel Winter-Ready?
Postharvest is a good time to check your fuel storage system to avoid common issues and keep equipment running smoothly through cold winter months. [...]
Maturity Group Considerations for Double-Crop Soybeans
Double-cropping soybeans after wheat lets a grower harvest three crops in two years. Recently, there has been a lot of interest in planting ultra-early [...]
PODCAST: A Look at 2018 Double-Crop Harvest
Description: Aaron Prins, sales agronomist with The Equity in Altamont, Illinois and 2018 CCA Soy Envoy, shares an update on the double-crop wheat and [...]
ASTA Promotes Safe Handling and Storage of Treated Seed During Harvest
As harvest is deep underway across the country, American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) reminds farmers about the importance of taking precautions to ensure treated [...]
Planting Soybeans in March? Maybe Not
There has been a lot of buzz lately in the soybean world about planting soybeans super early. Is this method of planting soybeans early [...]
Fall Tillage Considerations
Tillage is a popular practice across Illinois and it still seems to have its place in a high yield soybean production system. It also [...]
Water, Water Everywhere – And Not a Drop to Drink
A corridor of the Midwest stretching from Nebraska through Iowa and into Northern Illinois has been receiving almost continuous rainfall for an extended period [...]