
Request for Red Crown Rot Samples

USDA and University of Illinois researchers are working together to understand a new disease affecting soybean in Illinois, red crown rot. They are documenting its spread and characterizing its diversity, and need samples from many different locations across the state.

By |July 11, 2023|

Aphids – Could They be Back?

Stephanie Porter, Outreach Agronomist at Illinois Soybean Association, reports the return of Aphids to Illinois. Factors like geography, landscape, biology, and agronomy influence aphid populations in soybean fields. Regular scouting is crucial as aphid numbers can rapidly increase, especially with migrating winged aphids.

By |June 28, 2023|

The People Behind the Platform

Stephanie Porter and Kelsey Litchfield oversee, the go-to agronomic resource by the Illinois Soybean Association. Discover the process behind reviewing and updating timely and relevant information on a weekly basis, specifically tailored for farmers.

By |June 27, 2023|
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