Giovani Preza Fontes Provides ISA Funded Research Update from the Field
In this research update by Dr. Giovani Preza Fontes, he shares observations from the beginning of the growing season which included slower soybean growth in the cereal rye plot at both Urbana and Indiana sites. As of August 1st, the soybeans following cereal rye caught up to those without cereal rye in terms of growth stage and were all at R3. Future data analysis aims to unveil the reasons behind this growth delay and its potential yield impact, with further insights anticipated from tissue tests, soil sensors, and forthcoming harvest data.
Scooby-Doo Corn Mystery: What the pHex is Going On?
ISA Outreach Agronomist & CCA, Stephanie Porter, investigates a field with stunted corn with necrotic striping, ultimately pinpointing low soil pH as a culprit alongside corn nematode. Porter highlights the need for pH management and its impact on crop performance.
Did You Feed Your Soybean?
To help guide and evaluate fertility decisions for high-yielding soybeans, Stephanie Porter breaks down nutrient requirements to better understand and monitor soybean utilization during the growing season.
Soybean Height Is Not an Indicator of Growth Stage
ISA Soy Envoy, Kelly Robertson, compares two soybean plants from the same field and demonstrates how height is not a good indicator of growth stage.
One Leaf Symptom – Four Different Scenarios
Soy Envoy Kris Ehler urges farmers to look further than common leaf symptoms to properly identify disease. He explains differences between SDS, BSR, Red Crown Rot, and Triazole Phytotoxicity in soybeans.
Shorter Corn this Year?
Have you observed shorter corn this year? ISA Soy Envoy, Kelly Robertson, shares several factors that can lead to shorter-than-normal corn and how it impacts yield.
What About Stem Canker on Soybean?
Illinois Soybean Association Outreach Agronomist and Certified Crop Adviser, Stephanie Porter, reports on a fairly common, yet hardly discussed disease - Stem Canker on Soybean. Porter writes about its causes, symptoms, and impacts on soybeans, emphasizing early diagnosis, plant resistance, and ongoing research for effective management.