Planting Soybeans “Green”, Pennycress, and Soybean Weed Management
What are the benefits and costs of planting soybeans green? Dr. Mark Bernards of WIU discusses this practice as well as how pennycress might fit into a soybean-corn rotation and soybean weed management lessons learned on the WIU agronomy farm.
Cover Crop Management Strategies in Commodity Crop Systems for Soil Health and Nutrient Retention
Jim Isermann shares his steps to success in cover crop management.
Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.
Brad Zimmerman shares stories from his life that have been learning experiences for him and what he thought he knew, but turned out to be false or less correct.
Do Cover Crops Impact Soybean Cyst Nematode?
While there has been significant interest in increasing the use of cover crops, there is evidence that specific species can impact SCN prior to and leading into the soybean production year.
USDA Cover Crop Use and Decision Chart
This chart was modeled after the periodic table, and it was designed to help producers make cover crop use decisions on their farm or forage production system.
Understanding Cover Crop Planting Date in Illinois Row Crop Production
Farmers will gain better insights into cover crop planting and seeding rate recommendations and best management practices.
Cover Crop Species Selection
Even though we commonly hear about farmers being encouraged to plant “cover crops”, cover crops are not one single species or crop. Anyone following the conservation movement has heard of at least a few of the different options available.
Making Cover Crops Work For You – A Spring Workshop
This spring workshop is presented by Williamson County Soil and Water Conservation District in cooperation with the Illinois Soybean Association, Pike Ag, LLC and USDA NRCS.
2022 Cover Crop Planting Notes
Jim Isermann and Abigail Peterson provide a cover crop update from fall 2022.
Citizen Science for Great Lakes Cover Crop Research NEEDS YOU!
Participate in a citizen science study to understand variation in cover crop growth across different farming conditions.