Last Minute Cover Crop Termination Tips
Jim Isermann of the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership provides last-minute tips on cover crop termination, specifically focusing on herbicide-based termination methods. He shares more on herbicide application, termination timing, and cover crop growth stage.
A Look at Planter Adjustments for Planting into Cover Crops
Harborview Farms have spent a decade experimenting with different corn and soybean planter set-ups to successfully plant green into varying stands of cover crops each spring. Watch the video to explore the various components integrated into their planters, such as roller crimpers, row cleaners, gauge wheels, closing wheels, and more.
Soybean Success, No Longer a Secret
Dr. Connor Sible discusses the latest findings from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Crop Physiology Lab related to soybean planting dates, cover and double crop management, and optimizing fertilizer use efficiency to bring yield and ROI to soybean production.
Cover Crop Update from Across the State
Dan Schaefer from the Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association, and Jim Isermann from the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership, join Abigail Peterson from the Illinois Soybean Association to provide an update on cover crop initiatives across Illinois in a panel discussion.
Conservation Finance for Farmers: Understanding Conservation Funding Opportunities
Kris Reynolds from American Farmland Trust shares information on various conservation funding opportunities available to farmers, including IRA funding, Partners for Conservation, and Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities.
Cover Crop Planting Dates in Soybean & Corn Rotations: Lessons Learned from Year One of ISA-Funded Study
This Illinois Soybean Association funded project, lead by Nathan Johanning of Illinois Extension, reveals insights from the first year of a cover crop planting date study. The team found that lower seeding rates of early-planted cereal rye cut seed costs and had similar biomass. Late planting still offered good growth into mid-Nov and maximizing biomass by delaying termination until maturity showed no yield reduction in soybeans in most cases.
Is It Time To Up Your “Soil Health Game” With Livestock?
A regional project called “Match Made In Heaven: Livestock + Crops” is surveying farmers to learn about a growing movement to reintegrate crop and livestock systems in the cornbelt.
Optimizing Your Weed Control Strategies for Success
Exploring effective weed management strategies, Dr. Karla Gage presents on weed control and integrated approaches at the Illinois Soybean Association's Better Beans event held at Rend Lake College in southern Illinois.
Sulfur Foundations in High Yield Soybeans
Dr. Shaun Casteel discusses intentional soybean management, beginning with establishing a solid foundation and then expanding into different production practices. He also covers considerations for sulfur management in connection to high yield soybean planting, field conditions, and other synergies.
What are Climate Smart Agricultural Commodities, and How Do Soybeans Fit In?
In this webinar, Dr. Andrew Margenot will provide an introduction to climate-smart agriculture and agricultural commodities, how soybeans fit into this paradigm, and considerations for Illinois soybean producers in navigating climate-smart commodity markets.