Cutworm Alert for Western Illinois
With recent reports of cutworm, ISA Outreach Agronomist, Stephanie Porter, shares scouting tips for these pests and thresholds for treatment.
Soybean Plant Stands: Is Replanting Necessary?
Early in the growing season, many factors often reduce soybean plant stands - freezing temperatures, hail, slugs, disease, etc. A soybean field with poor seedling vigor, slow plant growth, and low plant stand often triggers an “I need to fix this” impulse; however, these fields don’t always need to be replanted.
ILSoyAdvisor Launches Crop Report Tool for Illinois Growers
Farmers across Illinois now have access to a new, easy-to-navigate crop report tool providing facts and strategic analysis of relevant agronomic information.
How Frost Affected Soybeans Throughout Illinois
Stephanie Porter, Illinois Soybean Association Outreach Agronomist, gives an update from two soybean fields in Illinois that were affected by frost and cold temperatures in April. She provides observations made and how planting dates and seed depth mattered in these situations.
“Buckle Up” and Pay Attention to the Impact of EPA’s Endangered Species Act
To comply with the ESA, the EPA will evaluate the potential effects of pesticides on federally threatened or endangered species and their critical habitats.
Should You Apply Sulfur & Nitrogen Before Planting Soybeans?
What doe the research data show in soybean yield response to supplemental N and S fertilization? ISA Outreach Agronomist, Stephanie Porter, goes through the data and what further research will be done.
Top 5 Early Season Soybean Pests
Illinois Soybean Outreach Agronomist, Stephanie Porter, shares the top five pests you should be scouting for in early planted soybeans.
Why Seed Treatment on Soybeans?
Planters are hitting the ground around Illinois. ISA Outreach Agronomist, Stephanie Porter, shares her perspective on soybean seed treatment and how it affects disease, insect pressure, planting population, and more.
Early Soybean Planting in April: The Why and How
Before planting in April, Illinois Soybean Association Outreach Agronomist, Stephanie Porter, recommends each farmer identify the risks of planting soybeans early and then plan accordingly. Decisions need to be made on seeding depth, seed treatment, and populations, but also communication is needed on seed arrival, field, and planter preparation, and crop insurance.
Kickstart of Efforts to Investigate Soil Health, Water Quality, and Climate Footprints Across IL
Jasdeep Singh of the University of Illinois shares a presentation of how a research team is investigating soil health, water quality, and climate footprints across Illinois soybean production systems to provide accurate assessments of potential trade-offs.