Remember G.O.A.L at Planting: GET OUT AND LOOK
Planting season is over for many, but a good reminder is to always Get Out and Look…or G.O.A.L. for short. Soy Envoy Kelly Robertson shares a simple way to check your planter and evaluate how the seed is going in the ground.
Soil Fertility and Soybean Yields with Kelly Robertson
Many farmers apply all of their fertilizer before the corn crop; however, Soy Envoy Kelly Robertson recommends making a potash application before the soybean crop to achieve high yields.
“Thinking Agronomy” – Be Thinkers Before People of Action
Kelly Robertson reflects on a class he took a few years back in which the instructor encouraged them to be "thinkers" first and then be “people of action” and introduced the "Possible/Plausible/Probable" concept.
Sufficient Level of Available Nutrients (SLAN) versus Build Maintain Fertility Programs
It can be argued that SLAN and Build/Maintain can be similar in some ways, both making an application of fertilizer to keep soil test levels where they are and feed the crop to be grown. However, SLAN is geared more towards achieving a fertility level where maximum yield can be obtained in that year where Build/Maintain is trying to keep the soil test levels from dropping.
Basic Cation Saturation Ratios (BCSR), Soil Balancing, Desired Values and Ratios
The scientific community mostly disregards the BCSR philosophy/theory; however, some farmers, crop consultants, sustainable ag proponents and commercial soil-testing laboratories still use BCSR to guide their fertilizer recommendations.
What is Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)?
Using CEC to make fertility management decisions is a philosophy. There are many different philosophies that incorporate CEC into their recommendations. Many of these philosophies have some good science in them, some just enough to make them seem legit and some could be dangerous.
2019 Double-Crop Soybeans Are “East Bound and Down”
In the Jerry Reed song “East Bound and Down” from the movie "Smokey and the Bandit" part of the chorus is “we have a [...]
Set Yourself up for Success in Double-Crop Soybeans.
Double-cropping soybeans can be a success with the right plan in mind. There are several things growers need to do to set themselves up [...]
Controlling Volunteer Wheat
Volunteer wheat is probably the number one potential weed problem in double-crop soybeans. Most often in double-crop soybeans herbicides are needed to control existing [...]
Not a Bumper Year for Double-crop Beans
It has been a very tough year down here in southern Illinois for all crops, but more so for double-crop beans. We can forget [...]